Xiaomi Fake Page on Facebook

Just saw a sponsored ad campaign by a fake Xiaomi site.

![Xiaomi Fake on Facebook](../uploads/2018/11/fake_mi.png)
Xiaomi Fake on Facebook
It was posted by Mi Xiaomi, Here is their Facebook page – [Click it!](https://www.facebook.com/pg/Mi-Xiaomi-116363839277508/)

The ad campaign links to http://scooter.mi-xiaomi.co.uk

When you do a WHOIS for mi-xiaomi.co.uk you will that the website registered on: 06-Nov-2018 – 3 days ago!

What is sad is, that any scam can create a Facebook ad campaign and can reach many 10,000 Facebook users. And Facebook does nothing to check if a the ad relates to a scam or not. They are also very slow in taking action, even for the most obvious scams.


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